Sunday, September 30, 2012

Living & Active Challenge: Week 3 Recap

We're past the halfway point of the 5-week Peak 313 Living and Active Challenge. Here are the highs and lows for week 3:

Week 3 Goal: Exercise 6 days/week

What Actually Happened: Goal met! This was an "off" week for boot camp but we still met on Monday and Wednesday. A couple of fellow boot campers were sweet enough to invite me to walk at the park with them on Tuesday and Thursday mornings so we walked about 3 miles each day. I was on my own on Friday but ran through my neighborhood using Couch to 5K that morning. 

Good news! Our Wednesday boot camp met at the Capitol as usual, and (as we often do) we ran from the Capitol down Dexter Avenue to the fountain at the court square and back. Dexter is a long, sloping street, and while I typically have no problem running down it, I previously could only run part of the way back; I'd have to stop and walk midway as it got steeper going back uphill. This time, however, I ran the whole way down and back nonstop! I don't think I would  have done it if I hadn't been running alongside one of my fellow campers--she kept encouraging me along the way and that made all the difference in the world. Of course, now that I know that I CAN run down and back without stopping, I'm going to push myself to do it every time. The body can do so much more than we think it can. 

Eating Goal: Continue to use My Fitness Pal to track my meals; cut down on nighttime snacking (especially sweets)

What Actually Happened: Still using My Fitness Pal. However, this week I failed big time at my no sweets after dinner plan. I did okay for a couple of days, but later in the week made haystacks to take into work for a staff lunch and OF COURSE I had to try one to make sure it tasted okay, and OF COURSE I did not just stop at one! I did a lot more nighttime snacking in general this week so this was not a good week, eating wise. But this is a brand new day and a brand new week--I CAN and I WILL make healthier decisions about what and how much I eat!

It's uncanny how the memory verses that Clare selects have been appropriate for just what I'm struggling with each week. The verse for week 3 was I John 2:16:

"For everything in the world--the cravings of sinful man, the lust of his eyes and the boasting of what he has and does--comes not from the Father but from the world."

I've certainly given in to my cravings this week instead of fighting against them. I love Clare's devotional thoughts on cravings that she posted this week. One point in particular that she mentioned stood out to me: "By satisfying the RIGHT craving, we can put to bed the wrong one." Of course, this applies not only to food cravings but to other cravings (for acceptance, for example). 

I've been a slacker on checking in with my accountability partners to see how they're doing with the challenge this week, although I've talked to both of them several times throughout the week. Elisabeth and I went for a 3.75 mile walk around her neighborhood yesterday morning so at least we got some exercise in together.

This Week
This week will pose some challenges, namely going on vacation next weekend so it will be even harder to stick to a healthy eating and fitness plan. I'm praying that I'll make healthy choices even on the road and that I'll make time to get some form of exercise in, whether it's taking a walk or doing a quick workout with the Nike Training Club app. I really have no excuse to not exercise, even on vacation. Sadly, my body won't know it's on vacation--if I do nothing but eat and sleep without exercising my body will definitely suffer. Plus, I feel better mentally and usually sleep better when I'm consistently exercising.

I'm looking forward to a BETTER week 4!

1 comment:

Joyfulmom said...

Good for you getting in your workouts. I think it is awesome that you have others to workout with and help to keep you accountable. Hope you have a good week.